Thursday, December 24, 2015

This is winter. The relax day on Christmas Eve. I was bored watching TV suddenly found:
Snow! And snow!

Characters in the story that I'm watching seems to be very happy when the snow fell. Indeed, when snowy landscape is really nice. I really want to travel to places where there is snow, and I'll sleep with it, I'll do more Snowman and I will hail pelted each other with my loved ones ... Him ... really happy. But ... it's funny because it's just a dream only. Here is Khmer, and there is no snow, I'm kidding. If I want to play Snow is it really so far away cannot be calculated.

I suddenly ringing phone disconnected imagine my feelings at all. I was shaking, and all the forces:

'Hello! Who are you?
'Hello Nisa right?'
Yes, I am!
Congratulations! You won the grand prize is a trip to Japan this winter in a debut!
I suddenly opened my eyes and cried big jerk:
He said what? He said what? I win anything?
I won a trip to Japan this winter!

I almost do not want to believe my own ears, trying to clarify and confirm to ten times, I still hear that:
She won a trip to Japan this winter!
I suddenly crying out loud, unexpected why smoldering in luck turned on me? Why do I win the big prize? O God! Japan, I dreamed of playing there a long time and especially in the winter. Yi! I already want to see snow so lucky, why me? Too happy, I cried again:
Bonuses are bonuses...!!!! Theb...
I suddenly fell from the bed.
Oh ... fed waist! Where I am?

I took my eye female hand, I was in my bedroom. I look around, everything seems all are offended.
Oh my God! Story a moment it just a dream?
I suddenly emotionally, they cannot, I broke down and cried aloud only once:
Whew ... why why why... it's a dream? Why go? Whew...
All dreams become ashes. Snow dream all but melts away very quickly.
I was shocked phones ringing. I was suddenly in a hurry because you think that such a vision

'Hello! Hail, yes!
Hello Nisa! Merry Christmas! »

I became disappointed withered like Cat in water. Why Pepsi Call now? I really began to lobby.

Boy: ‘Hello! Nisa why not says?

I said a weak voice:
A what? I have a little tired.
Boy: What happen? You are not happy?
I’m okay!
Boy: Why not? I know your feel not hide! Tell me story please?
I want to go to a place! How can I go?
Boy: 'U wants to go somewhere? Tell me!
I want to go to a place ... U cannot bring me there...!
Boy: How that cannot? Even for me anywhere, but I want to be able to lead you to all! »
Boy: Yes really!
I ... want to play the snow!
Boy: Snow!!! Emm...
Emm ... what? I know you cannot bring me go there!
Boy: Yi! That unemployment!  Do you go there!
Ha ... you say yes?
Boy: No kidding! Yes!
Not so! I do not believe u! '
Boy: If not believe this tomorrow evening to meet you! I will bring you immediately!
It really!! I’m going to see you tomorrow! Do not betray promises OK!
Boy: I promise! Tomorrow!

Immediately put the phone down me thought to myself briefly:
Incredible! Whether he says yes or how kidding? Or where he just wants me to be happy? ... How possible? Where snow falls very far from here! But ... they can take me to? Ah... think again!
I shook their ironically.

Tomorrow reach new arrival. This is Christmas Eve. I dressed simple come sit waiting for my favorite. 6 pm and I am sitting in the garden looking at the people walking to each gift. I thank excited theft quietly waiting for a gift from my Nob Nob. Gift he promised me how incredible it? Where the snow is too ... imagine! ... If he says the reality is not what I ready? O God! I really want to know!
The time now is 8, and I wait him for 2 hours. Strange, my appointment to meet each other in the garden at 6, but why now, and they still have not yet arrived? I phone them several times but they did not pickup my phone. I started to panic a little bit, or what has happened to him? Or he forgets me? Or he does not dare to come to me? I stole murmured softly to myself:
I know! He certainly will not come! There is no reason why would he be willing to take me to where the snow is far away? I said it's not impossible! Is unable to face!
Was shocked to find my brother call me:

'Hello! Brother!
Brother: 'Hello! ... Please soon come home immediately! Now, the big thing!
Big thing! What happen?
Brother: 'Do not ask me anything! Come home! Fast! »
Yes ... yes! I go now! '

I stopped to wait longer this time because have some things at home, I've got to go home earlier. If he come to see me, I am not wrong, because he do wrong him selves. I no longer want to resolve what gifts from them anymore. Where snow okay, I no longer want to go again.

I also got up and quickly called a taxi to go home immediately. I also got up and ran into the house briefly. I suddenly felt my house extraordinarily quiet different. My brother has a big thing to have such a wilderness? I just opened the door I suddenly heard a voice heard, and hiss:
«We wish you a merry Christmas! We wish you a merry Christmas! We wish you a merry Christmas! And a Happy New Year ... »

Looming suddenly appears in front of me. A soft light suddenly lit up. Actually it is a Divinity that my handsome beautiful. I was very surprised. While it around myself, a small cotton fell dramatically flourishing my house may be filled. Small fire, snow began to light up. Open Air began burying the fan began to make those little cotton. This time everything is like in my dream space. The view around me is really very beautiful area is cleaner than real snow. I suddenly felt excited and very shocked to say almost never want to leave.

Snow ... snow...
My favorite began to move less to come to me. They brought a large sweater to wear me. Not only have they also worn hats and scarves for me. I smile and keep silent. He said quietly to me:

Boy: Merry Christmas darling! How cold?

I nodded, tears suddenly flowed down.
Boy: Foolish kid! Do not cry! Broken beauty! Know?

I remained silent because too excited not say how. Elijah took his warm hand to wipe the tears that are flowing on my cheeks. So they asked me:
Boy: How are you? You're angry with, or do not say nothing? I apologize that I make u wait too long.
 Boy: Stop crying ok! Hm... now I can tell you, or where you want to come?
I also tried to open his mouth and said to them, hoarse voice:
'No! I’m not angry with you! But I want to tell you that I really ... do not think that I would have come to this place! I used to think that where there is still snow in the land. But in fact, where snow is everywhere, even in my home! I just know today! ... Really good! »

Boy: Foolish kid! Stop flattering Tea!
I said really! You are really mastery.
He laughed softly, and says:
Boy: You know? In fact, in another snow better than this!
Better than this? Where to go?

He do not say anything, but he suddenly walked hugged me tight. His strong body makes me very warmly and even tears. I'm so soft like jelly. I hugged them both excited. So they began to speak softly again:
Boy: You have heard anything?'
Me: Sound?
He gently shakes my chest and laid hands on their density:
Boy: Here! Heard?
Theb Theb...!!!
This is the sound of the heart's cute. I smiled and whispered softly to my ears:

Boy: You know? My heart is like, where the snow fell so! There is snow all the time means that it is really needed me very much and I also want you to be with brother every time! I hope that your heart will be able to place snow that can make me happy! This heart will warm if you’re next! So let me help take care of it as your exclusive snow to you ok!
I nodded softly:
Uh-huh! I'll take care of it well, and I also hope so too! Do not forget to help preserve heart me!
Darling! I really love you very much!
'I love you too!

We both hugged each other tightly in the world of icy snow and the most beautiful. Night tonight is really great that I've never encountered before, nothing in my life. I'm very pleased and I really cannot forget Christmas Eve this year.

In fact, there can also snowy heart and initiated is what can really happen all. It is like a love tune. What is important is in your heart and mind.