Thursday, December 24, 2015

       In a magical land known as the Pridelands, the story of the Lion King begins at an area known as Pride Rock. Enter the Lion King, Mufasa and queen Sarabi to introduce their newborn cub Simba. The heir to the throne Simba, is slated to overtake leadership of the Pridelands. Unfortunately not everyone is happy about this prospect, more specifically Scar, the selfish brother of the Lion King Mufasa. 

The story progresses and Simba begins to grow and learn about life on the Pridelands. The scene shifts to the summit of Pride Rock where the Lion King Mufasa leads Simba to a majestic view of the Pridelands. Mufasa tells his son that someday all of this land will be his to rule, and that it will be his responsibility to maintain the delicate balance of the Circle of Life. In his lecture the Lion King urges Simba to never go beyond the frontier of the Pridelands as evil hyenas and uncertainty lies beyond. 

While Mufasa educates and guides his son toward adulthood, Scar, the evil brother of the Lion King, becomes more and more thirsty for the throne. Aligned with several hyenas, Scar divulges a plan to topple Lion King Mufasa and the young heir to the throne. Scar and the hyena's set their plan into motion at Pride Rock. From there a stampede ensues and in the turmoil, Mufasa is trampled and Simba narrowly escapes. Scar convinces Simba that his father's death was his fault and banishes him from the kingdom. All the while the plan was to also have Simba assassinated, so Scar employees his hyenas to finish the job. Fortunately for Simba and the fate of the Pridelands, the hyenas don't get the job done in a doldrum of laziness. 

Back in the Prideland the residents of the kingdom mourn Mufasa's death and are led to believe that Simba also suffered the same fate. This leaves Scar and his hyena cohorts to ascend to the throne unopposed in the ensuing time. 

Meanwhile Simba suffers with the guilt of believing that he caused his father's death. The young lion leaves the Pridelands and enters the jungle to continue his life. There he meets and befriends the joking meerkat Timon and a soft-hearted warthog named Pumbaa. Torn by the death of his father, Simba decides that the jungle will be his new home and decides to remain with his new friends. 

Unfortunately during this time period the Pridelands decay and dry out under the brutal rule of King Scar. Hyenas are allowed to roam the lands rampaging and harassing whatever and whoever they encounter. Nala, lioness and former childhood friend of Simba, is one of a few residents who decide to flee. She also heads to the jungle in an effort to find a new land for her and her fellow lionesses to live. 

Later in the jungle, Pumbaa finds himself threatened by a lioness. Driven by hunger the female lion attacks the warthog. In an effort to say his friend, Simba intervenes and begins to fight with the lioness. In the struggle Simba is flipped by the lioness and then realizes that she is Nala, his old childhood pal. Equally shocked is Nala, who had believed that Simba died in the stampede so many years ago. Now reunited, Simba introduces Nala to his friends Timon and Pumbaa. Nala enlightens them to the fact that Simba is not just any ordinary lion, but the true Lion King of the Pridelands. In the ensuing time Nala and Simba become close and join together in the beginning bonds of love. 

From there Nala tells Simba of the plight of the Pridelands and the chaos that has occurred in the years since Scar took over the kingdom. She then motivates Simba to return to his former home to confront Scar and his leadership of the Pridelands. Once back home, the two confront a shocked and beleaguered Scar. The evil Lion King in a panic forces Simba to admit to everyone that he was the cause of Mufasa's death. As Simba succumbs to sadness over what he believes to be the truth, Scar backs him toward the edge of a cliff. The cocky King then slips up and a moment of arrogance, revealing that he was the one who actually killed Simba's father. Now knowing the truth that he had not been the reason behind his father's death, Simba pounces Scar in a rage. Overcome by the angry Simba, Scar is forced to reveal to those around that it was he who arranged for the death of the Lion King Mufasa. 

Now that everyone knows the truth, Scar and his hyenas begin a battle with Simba, Nala, Timon, Pumbaa, and the other lionesses. In the ensuing battle Simba is able to corner Scar at the edge of a cliff. There he tells Scar to leave the kingdom and never return. In a hasty response, Scar blames his hyena cohorts for the treachery he has caused. As Simba listens, Scar quickly pounces. But the young lion was not about to be fooled again and counteracts by flipping his uncle over the cliff. Below Pride Rock Scar lands below and gets up only to be surrounded by angry hyenas. 

A new day begins and Simba climbs tot he top of Pride Rock and roars proudly. His friends and fellow lions then acknowledge him as the new and rightful Lion King of the Pridelands. A lour roar bellows from Simba's lungs and herds of animals rejoice in his victory and a dawn of a new age in the Circle of Life. Then Simba and Nala join together and introduce their newborn cub Rafiki and the story ends.