Thursday, December 24, 2015

Conversation about  Olivia Flaversham's birthday.......

Olivia Flaversham : You know, Daddy, this is my very best birthday. 
Hiram Flaversham : But I haven't given you your present yet. 
Olivia : What is it? What is it? 
Hiram : Now, close your eyes. Oh, oh, oh... Oh, now... No peeking now.
Olivia : Oh, Daddy! You made this just for me? You're the most wonderful father in the whole world! Who is that? 
Hiram : I don't know! Quickly, dear, stay in here and don't come out. 

Fidget  : I got you, toy maker! 

Olivia : Daddy, where are you? Daddy, where are you? Daddy! 

David Dawson  : It was the eve of our good queen's Diamond Jubilee, and the year Her Majesty's government came to the very brink of disaster. She… I'm getting ahead of myself. My name is Dr. David Q. Dawson, most recently of the queen's 66th Regiment. I had just arrived in London after lengthy service in Afghanistan, and was anxious to find a quiet place, preferably dry, hmm... where I could rest and find a bit of peace. Little did I know that my life was about to change forever. Oh! Oh, my! Are you all right, my dear? Come now, come, come, come. Here, here, dry your eyes. Ah, yes. Ah, that's better. Now, tell me, what's troubling you, my dear? 
Olivia : I'm lost. I'm trying to find Basil of Baker Street. 
David : Well, let me see here. Famous detective solves baffling disappearance. Where are your mother and father? 
Olivia : That's why I must find Basil.
David : There, there, there, there. Well, now, I don't know any Basil. But I do remember where Baker Street is. Now, come with me. We'll find this Basil chap together. Good evening, madam. Is this the residence of Basil of Baker Street? 
MRS. JUDSON : I'm afraid it is. He's not here at the moment, but you're welcome to come in and wait. 
David : I don't want to impose. It's it's just, the girl. 
MRS. JUDSON : Oh, my! You poor dear! You must be chilled to the bone! But I know just the thing. Let me fetch you a pot of tea and some of my fresh cheese crumpets. 

Basil  : A-ha! The villain's slipped this time! I shall have him! Out of my way! Out of my way! I say. 
David : Oh! Who are you? 
Basil  : What? Oh. Basil of Baker Street, my good fellow. 
Olivia : Mr. Basil, I need your help. And... 
Basil  : All in good time. 
Olivia : But you don't understand. I'm in terrible trouble. 
Basil  : If you'll excuse me.
David : Now see here! This young lady is in need of assistance. I think you ought to listen. 
Basil  : Hold this, please, doctor. 
David : Of course. Wait just a moment. How did you know I was a doctor? 
Basil  : A surgeon, to be exact. Just returned from military duty in Afghanistan, am I right? 
David : Why… Oh, yes. Major David Q. Dawson. Uh. But how could you possibly. 
Basil  : Quite simple, really. You've sewn your torn cuff together with a Lembert stitch, which, of course, only a surgeon uses. And the thread is a unique form of catgut easily distinguished by its peculiar pungency, found only in the Afghan provinces. David : Amazing!
Basil  : Actually, it's elementary, my dear Dawson. 
MRS. JUDSON: What in heaven's name? My good pillows. How many times have I told you.
Basil  : Mrs. Judson, it's quite all right. I believe I smell some of those delightful cheese crumpets of yours. Why don't you fetch our guests some? 
Basil  : Now, I know that bullet's here somewhere. Thank you, Miss. 
Olivia : Flaversham 
Basil  : Whatever. 
Olivia : Yes, but you don't understand. 
Basil  : Yes. Yes! No! Drat! Another dead end. He was within my grasp. 
Olivia : Now, will you please listen to me? My daddy's gone, and I'm all alone. 
Basil  : Young lady, this is a most inopportune time. Surely your mother knows where he is. 
Olivia : I... I don't have a mother. 
Basil  : Well. Then perhaps. See here, I simply have no time for lost fathers. 
Olivia : I didn't lose him. He was taken by a bat. 
Basil  : Did you say bat? 
Olivia : Yes. 
Basil  : Did he have a crippled wing? 
Olivia : I don't know, but he had a peg leg! 
David : I say, do you know him? 
Basil  : Know him? That bat, one Fidget, by name, is in the employ of the very fiend who was the target of my experiment! The horror of my every waking moment. The nefarious Professor Ratigan! 
David : Uh... Ratigan? 
BASIL: He's a genius, Dawson. A genius twisted for evil. The Napoleon of crime. David  : As bad as all that, eh? 
Basil  : Worse! For years, I've tried to capture him, and I've come close, so very close. But each time, he's narrowly evaded my grasp. Not a corner of London's safe while Ratigan's at large. There's no evil scheme he wouldn't concoct! No depravity he wouldn't commit. Who knows what dastardly scheme that villain may be plotting, even as we speak? 

Professor Ratigan : Quite an ingenious scheme, eh, Flaversham? And aren't you proud to be a part of it? 
Hiram : This whole thing it's monstrous. 
Professor : We will have our little device ready by tomorrow evening, won't we? You know what will happen if you fail. 
Hiram : I don't care! 
Professor : You can do what you want with me. 
Hiram : I won't be a part of this evil any longer. 
Professor : Very well, if that is your decision. Oh, uh, by the way, I'm taking the liberty of having your daughter brought here. Yes. Yes. Yes. I would spend many a sleepless night if anything unfortunate were to befall her. 
Hiram : You... you wouldn't. 
Professor : Finish it, Flaversham! 
Professor : Oh, I love it when I'm nasty. Fidget. Fidget! Bright and alert as always. Here's the list. You know what to do, and no mistakes! 
Fidget  : No mistakes, sir. Tools, gears, girl, uniforms... 
Professor : Now, Fidget! 
Fidget  : I'm going! Im going! I'm going! 
Professor : My friends, 
we are about to embark on the most odious, the most evil, the most diabolical scheme of my illustrious career. A crime to top all crimes. A crime that will live in infamy! Tomorrow evening, our beloved monarch celebrates her Diamond Jubilee. And with the enthusiastic help of our good friend, Mr. Flaversham, it promises to be a night she will never forget. Her last night, and my first as supreme ruler of all mousedom! From the brain that brought you the Big Ben Caper The head that made headlines in every newspaper And wondrous things like the Tower Bridge Job That cunning display that made Londoners sob Now comes the real tour de force Tricky and wicked, of course My earlier crimes were fine for their times But now that I'm at it again An even grimmer plot has been simmering In my great criminal brain Even meaner? Thank you, thank you. But it hasn't all been champagne and caviar. I've had my share of adversity, thanks to that miserable second-rate detective, Basil of Baker Street. For years, t has interfered with my plans. I haven't had a moment's peace of mind.

All: Aww. 
Professor : But all that's in the past! This time nothing, not even Basil, can stand in my way! All will bow before me! 
All : Oh, Ratigan You're tops and that's that To Ratigan To Ratigan, 
Bartolomew  : the world's greatest rat 
Professor : What was that? What did you call me? 
Thug Guard: He didn't mean it, professor. 
Bill The Lizard: It was just a slip of the tongue. 
Professor : I am not a rat! 
Thud Guard: 'Course you're not. You're a mouse! That's right. A mouse. 
Bill The Lizard : Yeah, a big mouse. 
Professor : Silence! Oh, my dear Bartholomew, I'm afraid that you've gone and upset me. You know what happens when someone upsets me.