Thursday, December 24, 2015

Tonight the fully moon is shining light reflected rid of gloom sound faded away leaving the dog strange violence uproar bird flip long Cyprus back. 12 o'clock midnight, I could not sleep at all .......
Tok Tok Tok .......
Something like the sound of water falling down! I walked to open the window without rain, but why also shed water, and I closed the window and walked to my bed But .......
Ngeav ....... (Surprised me)

A big black cat came down from the roof on my bed, I quickly find something to chase it out of my hand broom I reserve broom type it once the candles were extinguished. Dark, very dark! I liquid metal detectors trigger I touched something cold stress as ice, I woke up until the buttocks after chess I fell to my hands and hold on steel trigger it fell out when I went to close the window ... I lit metal trigger Shadow lighting up the cat ran away ice bucket on the table that I put it last evening.
I laughed to myself .......
I went up to bed and read a book .... Candles went off a second time

Outside there is a strong wind blowing wind into the windows shook my nets dangling. I walked out to the outside of the house under extremely cold environment, a voice called me the voice of soprano wind strange wind behind me under the light of the moon I see shadows woman are walking wave me her hair is blown wedding wind .......
Come.... My trunk with the trunk, she walked away, I followed her ....... ....... And I heard the sound of laughing loud voice .... I heard many people say bustle. I go to a cart path dog strong voice to be heard, but I did not see nothing. More freezing cold weather stress almost Lockjaw I still hear them called me to move forward I also had walk to the house has a fence made of bamboo, a grass plot in front of my home stair stand suddenly became a bit in front of the house ...... .
- Grandson (an elderly man dressed in white stood beside them, I do not know to drink), his eyes light up.
I woke up and turned and looked sound.
- Grandchildren called Come ....
- Do not call my trunk ....
- No .... House called grandchildren. Take their bags and go to home.

I have yet to get their bags from him suddenly their bags on my hands and I turned around to ask something missing from his shadow calm again.
- Oh ... old man... .. ... ... .. I walked crane near the fence suddenly, what network the feet of me, I look at the eyes A black shadow my head began Cyprus khnhak ....... I walk three steps backward, and I my knees fall anal oxygen seems to have something interesting to me, I was stunned its I turned a soft, almost paralyzed.
- ....... (I cried out, and threw the snake away)

Then I ran to run away until my turn next time this seemed to be in the movie vampires. I ran until suddenly their bags, I fell out of my hand, I also decided not to pick it back I also continue to run suddenly....... Hahaha (
the sound of people laughing so hard behind me)
- ....... No, I'm afraid (I say without turning)
My legs move ahead no longer seems to be something I was afraid I cried my sweat shed shock The weather is cold stress. I turned around and saw my suitcase and flew, and it cried blood .... You must pay us by blood, it quickly referred to me.
- Do ....... .......
I am recovering from a coma, my hands bound, I looked left, right
- How Well ....... How so ....... (I heard more screaming)
I arrived at the same place where I met him.
- Bags, bags, and .......
- Recovery ....... Get up to our old house
I woke up and .... Email help someone near me (I cried and soul hair).
- ....... We are here
I find the sound suddenly their bags, as you say, there is a suitcase and fly out of it is a fire lights blinking.
Leads us to our old house to the old house fast food fast food fast food ....... Fast food fast food. I tried to collect my entire consciousness to stand with their hands bound.
- ....... Where is your old home? (I feel nervous).
I ask not just out of my mouth, he saw something shining light into my eyes, and I drown in the planet another.

Fully moon still shone dim embedded with secret ....... Around me a big oak throwing black shadows under the rays of heart-moon ....... Strong winds swirl tornado made me howl ....... My hands still bound
- Pros (broken oak branches oak branches) I tried my hand twitching title fully ....... Isolated I ran because of fear of oak branches fall mill.
- ....... No. (I run about fifty meters I turned, saw something broken, I was relieved a bit) Suddenly the wind something was blowing behind me.
- Do .......
I came to the old house .... Old house with smoke on the voice of a man out of the house, a vocal sound. I'm still scared .... Afraid afraid sat weeping near the fence of the old house.
- Or grandchildren .... Yeah, get their bags and head .......
I do not know what has happened, I know that I'm in a box closed box hand touch anywhere.
- ....... Except I no longer immediately to release ....... (I'm screaming, swinging cover the coffin, but no one heard me scream).
Musical sound ghost soprano voice in the old house with smoke and fog laden clouds.
- To_k (what knocked my coffin)
- I want out of the coffin, help me help, I do not want to die .... (I cried hard) open coffin cover is by far my breathing, I emerged from the coffin scribes  I turned left, right, suddenly ....
- ....... No (there is a very long, it is a shadow I saw a shadow that stretched out to me, I fell down vibration Coffin) Suddenly, suddenly in a coffin full of bones, headless ghost. I ran out of coffins to a standing room with an open door I heard a great voice, a voice crying it very afraid of something falling on my head, I see ....... ....... Old House.
- Tok Tok Tok (blood, blood is shed)
I Lockjaw, and I looked up I saw blood .... ....... One flew over my head with fresh blood from recent shoulder. It's said to me in tears.
- Thank you, and that led me to come here ....... It is my ancestral home reputation.
It said to me softly, softly until his eyes fall on old boards .... My eyes opened to big
- My eyes a little bit, (it says)
Then I suddenly said not only horror tears trembling. The tongue is a tongue out of his mouth long it eyes come out, it's very easy.
- You are a bad ghost ....... You are a bad ghost ....... I was crying and grimacing I try anal rolling backwards slow decline and recovery ....... Run ....... Run run run out of the old house, no turning back, I also went to a place I saw incense cans I turned left, right, I hear the sound of people walking drag chains next to the North Sound, even approaching me bit once I saw the black shadow something poll and it suddenly disappeared in an instant. The sky turned dark cloud cover off Surya cold wind blowing breeze touching my body, lightning thunder roaring noise shook the sky bright lightning loose, can I see, I know ....... I'm on the graves.

Suddenly, I was suddenly in a new home is hammered home with luxurious wood hosts wear mode Classic .......
Yeah ....... Yeah ....... Help me, haunted me (gasp)
- Friend granddaughter trunk trunk grandchildren grandmother reciting poetry to listen (yeah man dressed in classic mode to speak to the young granddaughter his).
- She told me how this village called the village? (I ran to him, but he seemed not to see me, even though I cried anyway.)
His granddaughter sitting mysterious grandmother mourned poetry. Tonal poetry resonates soprano dreadful ....
O God .... Yeah, old and young grandchildren become a monster, they turned to me and opened big eyes red with blood flow out of the eye even reflux tongue. Window home I saw a head hanging .. Tok Tok Tok ... shed blood on the window a hand stretched out to me ... on my front foot trophy head eyes stare me ...
- Pay ourselves back ....... (Head)
- .......

I fully screaming and jumped out of bed, my heart almost jumped out around me, I saw my mother, my brother standing stunned ....... Stark bright sky.
- ....... Why shout so loud (I asked)
- Bad dreams! And sweat shed shocking death only once (my mother said to me). Yes! It's just a dream only.