Thursday, May 26, 2016

There was a girl named Lyda. She had a brother named Vannak. She had a loving mom and dad. One day, Lyda asked her mom a really important question.

"Mom, are you going to promise to stay with me for the rest of my life?"
"Of course I will and I will promise." Her mom said.

Later in the year, her mom went to a party and didn't came back for 3 whole days. Lyda, Vannak, and their dad were alone. Lyda and Vannak's mother went to a party and met a cool guy. Her mom decided to broke up with Lyda's family.

Their mom came back home one day with her husband. Her family was excited she came back after 3 days. The mom wasn't. She told her new husband to beat her old husband up. Her old husband went to jail for no reason while her new husband didn't.

One day Lyda and Vannak's real dad died. Lyda and Vannak was so sad for the rest of the day. Their mom treated them badly and even her new husband. Lyda's mom decided to host a party at home. She told her children to stay in the closet until further noticed. Her new husband even locked them up in the closet.

After the party was over, Lyda's brother died of hunger in the closet during the party. Their parent didn't even care. Lyda was all alone. Her choice was either to be set for adoption or live with her mean parents. She chose to be adopted by someone else.

Lyda was so sad that her mom broke their promise.