Thursday, May 19, 2016

One Summer a building near a church. Teenagers gathered to pray and listen to some lectures. At the back of the room there was a boy and girl sitting. They both went down to see each other... they pretended they here to pray.

When they were done praying and the lectures started both got out their phones and opened e-buddy. The didn't chat with each other.... just with other people. they kept looking at each other and wondered if the other noticed. They loved each other so much but they never told each other that. He loved her more than she did.

Suddenly there was an explosion in the church and building started falling. All of the people got out except these two who were away from the door in the end of the room. The girl was screaming and was so scared. She held his hand and tried to pull him from under the piece of wall but she failed.

The guy said, "Leave me... run!"
She started crying and said, "No... I won't"
The guy shouted at her, "Just run... save yourself!"
She started crying and said, "No!.. I won't let you go"
The guy said, "why??.. just run"
The girl said, "Because.. I.."
The guy said, "I love you"
The girl cried and said, "I waited for those 3 works since I knew you"
The boy smiled to her and said, "Now I'm ready to die... I held your hand... I know you love me... Just let me go and save yourself please"
The girl with tears on her face, "No... I know you love me I will never let you go"
The boy pushed her away and shouted, "Run!"

She ran down the stairs with tears on her face and fell down and broke arm. She ran home crying. Her parents thought that she is crying because she is in pain but really...

She was regretting every moment she knew the boy and didn't tell him how she felt.