Tuesday, May 24, 2016

A teenage girl has fake a story that she goes to the doctor for her yearly check up. She tell her boyfriend about the doctor discovers a brain has tumor and tells her when she has at the most three days to live.
And then she asked her boyfriend:

Girl said: "Baby, i had three days to live, what would you do?"
Guy said: "I will kill myself"

The girl kisses him and stays the night. In the early morning, she takes his gun, knives and anything else he might use to kill himself. By the time he wakes up, she's gone. She left him a note on her pillow with hearts all over it. It was a scavenger hunt that would take him two days. The last item on the list was her. After two days, he needs to find her to complete the scavenger hunt. He goes to his house, but couldn't not fine her, just see a box and letter that read :

My Love: "if you have found this, I am already in heaven, looking at you. I sent you on a scavenger hunt so that you wouldn't know I was dying of a brain tumor. I did not want to see you worry nor did i want to be the cause of death. I left you a little something in the box and i hope you can forgive me for not spending my last waking moments in your arms. I hope u can forgive me and continue on with your life. I will always love you with all of my heart. Remember, check the box and don't cry over me".

He opens the box and fine a gun and a dozen hybrid roses. In the middle, is a note that said: "I will always love you even from heaven. I will wait you here my love.."

He gets the gun and shoots himself just to go see her in heaven and love her again, but everything just a fake story that his girlfriend want to leave him.

When he gets to heaven, he not sees his girlfriend in the heaven and walk alone in the dark.