Monday, January 4, 2016

I walk to a private primary school in the village.
Yes, my family's life, I'm not a something to the rental car to take home, but also not poor, too, because the village, most children are learning to public school. Like days ago, I walked the school road concrete that silence, and occasionally has the car at a time. If it's a busy road

also parents, I do not walk alone protein don't too. The road I saw up note number passed because a week is 6 days, I walk on the road. When the foot is step forward eyes I also seem to see something. It's a puppy, a small, hairy white - black, which may dog ​​you around just pets. When it saw me, it also escaped into the bush flowers gone by may not yet be familiar with the people. I do not care and continue to walk and soon came the school.

Once home from school, I still see that cute puppy here. I do not verb okay also continue to travel home.
The next day I saw the dogs that here the same thing. This time it did not escape from me anymore. I call it window dressing, and it ran up to me, wagging slightly. I take my hand careful touching it only dogs little, suddenly ran to hide behind the bush flowers public again confirms that it is not trust me yet.
I do not own dogs
Wag softly but dare not from the same clump of grass.

A week passed, I and the dogs more snoe intimate with each other very much. I always play with it a bit before going to school and buy a cake it brew constantly every time out of school. It's a puppy homeless stray pet. I named it the "Du Du" and it seems satisfied with this name thing.
One day I said to it:
Du Du! See, I asked my mom to let you into my home '
Wag replace a reply, thank you.
Arrived home.
Mom! What can you feed the dogs? »
Rarely! We are no dog house, but the children are responsible for any self '
I am very happy that allows pet dogs, mom. Do not hesitate also ran to remove the dog from the path that I walk to school. It's not nearly this much love brought me to move quickly. Du Du very satisfied with my house playing on grass, which I followed.
Night up my dad to leave Du Du outdoors for fear it asteroid difficult to clean up. In the mid-night rain softly and then hear the voice Du Du scream. It's loud makes me hear the voice Pakistan went out. PA Hawaii, it's very big and paused to hear his voice coming back room Du Du no longer hear the voice screamed.

In the morning, I visited with Du Du. It was not anything serious injury. We play together happily.
Night comes, when my mom and dad sleep Du Du began to cry. It does not want outside alone, but had no choice, I can not bring it strictly bedroom house. It screamed all night and morning, Daddy lid Horn at me and ordered me to Du Du. I speak it when it looks at me and wagging gently but no way my dad was harsh and very much he did not listen to the plea of ​​mine, so I was forced to take it into places far away that Du Du never go. I put it down on the ground and looked at it for a moment before he started running home. When I hear the voice Du Du ran behind while my tears continued to flow. I run fast as possible to run flexible gateway. Du Du could not follow me, and finally I did not see it forever.